

发布时间: 2024-05-16 14:14:44北京青年报社官方账号

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"Every institute prides itself on the number of academicians it has, and they all devote a lot of resources and energy to persuading academicians to stay on, despite the fact many may have passed their prime," the researcher said.


"Especially after the launching of the Belt and Road Initiative, China and relevant countries have established more than 130 national level joint research centers," Li said.


"Entering the industrial internet era, security threats have become more sudden in occurrence and destructive, especially in fields related to national interests and people's livelihoods. Once attacked, it will cause great social impact and huge economic losses," Dowson Tong, president of Tencent's cloud and smart industries group, said Tuesday during the ongoing fifth Cyber Security Summit in Beijing.


"Didi's intensified overseas efforts, including this fresh fundraising, will no doubt pose a great threat to Uber. Uber's valuation is shrinking due to its operation problems while we witness Didi is ascending in overseas markets through cooperating with local partners," Zhang added. In the past few years, Didi Chuxing has been pushing its overseas presence rapidly with investments in several of Uber's rivals globally, including US-based Lyft, Brazil-based 99, India's Ola, Singapore-headquartered Grab, Estonia's Taxify and Careem in the Middle East. It also ended the battle with Uber in the Chinese market last year by acquiring Uber's local business.


"Digital economy's contribution to GDP (which was 82 trillion yuan) exceeded 33 percent last year," said Lu.


